
Wall-E Cake
made by Mo for her Daddy

Look at this adorable cake topper, made by Mo. Have I mentioned she's really in love with Wall-E right now? To her, this is the next best thing to having a Wall-E birthday cake of her own. Her birthday isn't until August, but she's already making plans. *grin* To make the cake topper, she found a site online with Wall-E coloring pages and printed out the picture she liked; she cut it out (she's excellent with her safety scissors) and then glued it to a craft stick. Et voila!

So, in keeping with my resolution to consume only homemade, non-processed foods as much as possible, this cake was made from scratch. I modified a buttermilk cake recipe from The Joy of Cooking; I know, I know, baking is a science and even a slight modification changes the end result, but I didn't have cake flour (ohwell). The cake came out lovely anyway; it was pretty dense and a little chewy, but overall very nice and the birthday boy (can you call someone a boy who just turned 62?!?) liked it, so all was well. It's frosted with chocolate cream cheese frosting, which everyone also loved, but next time I'll add more choc. The recipe called for 5oz of choc chips--I think it needs twice that. But then I prefer a darker, fudge-like frosting. Yum!

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