
Inaugural Post

Welcome to my newest site, where I will share information on cooking with and for your kids. My oldest daughter, Maureen, is almost 4, and she loves to help me in the kitchen.

A little bit about me: I'm a late in life mom, or what my OB called "advanced maternal age." Grr. Even now that still sets my teeth on edge. My husband and I tried for 9 years to conceive our first child; I was 35 when she was born. Imagine our surprise when, not quite two years later, we conceived daughter number 2! Sometimes I still can't believe it--I had resigned myself to being an "Auntie" forever.

So what happened when our little stinkers entered our lives? Total chaos, that's what! My toughest challenge has been adapting our meals to be both kid and parent-friendly. I refuse to become a short order cook; I make one meal and that's it! It's a balancing act most days--the husband won't eat the kids food and vice versa. I try not to rely on convenience foods, but I will serve Kraft mac-n-cheese if I'm feeling lazy that day. Mo loves it with ketchup...what a kid thing to do! :)

Recipes and pics coming soon. Tonight we had a very simple meal of burgers with tomatoes, lettuce, and cheese; oven-roasted potatoes and milk on the side. The kids and Daddy scarfed it up! Mo's dessert was applesauce with animal crackers.

If you've made it this far, thanks for reading. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I could do with some tried-and-tested menu ideas. Thanks!
